# How do I register for an account?
1. Go to our [DD GitLab](gitlab.deterrencedispensed.com)
2. Click "Register Now".
3. Go to our [RocketChat](chat.deterrencedispensed.com), and sign in using the GitLab SSO button.
# I have an account already with the DD RocketChat. How do I connect my accounts?
1. **Verify** your email address if you have not already done so within RocketChat. To do this, on Desktop, click on your user icon, go to "My Account", then click "Send Verification Email".
2. Create an account on the [DD GitLab](gitlab.deterrencedispensed.com). **YOU MUST USE THE SAME EMAIL YOU USED ON ROCKETCHAT.**
3. Return to RocketChat, and sign in using the GitLab SSO button.
4. You might be asked to change your password. You can reuse the same one you had prior with RocketChat. |