Deterrence Dispensed uses a set of standards for quality product releases, and as such, we define a minimum-viable product release package with the contents as listed below:
At the minimum, release package shall have the following files:
📁 Renders: 3D renders or real-world images of the product -
📁 STEP: STEP file exports of every printable object -
📁 STL: STL file exports of every printable object, including a blank STL version with no branding or texturing -
📰 documentation in the file of this template in Markdown format at the root of the package.
Ideally, a comprehensive release package would have these files as well, but they are not required.
📁 STEP/Reference: STEP file exports of reference CAD models used to support design of the printed model -
📁 Native: +native editor binaries, for example exports from Fusion 360 or SolidWorks -
📁 Documentation: Rich documentation in form of formatted guides or videos