Deterrence Dispensed uses a set of standards for quality product releases, and as such, we define a minimum-viable product release package with the contents as listed below:
| Directory/File | Required? | Description |
| ------ | ------ | ------ |
| :file_folder: **Documentation** | 🔹* | Supplementary documentation for particularly involved assemblies |
| :file_folder: **Native** | 🔹 | Native editor binaries |
| :file_folder: **Renders** | :heavy_check_mark: | 3D renders or real-world images of the product |
| :file_folder: **Remixes** | 🔹 | A collected of user-submitted remixes. _Only applicable if your initial release is to include user submissions._ |
| :file_folder: **STEP** | :heavy_check_mark: | STEP file exports of the assemblies (whole product) or assembly variants |
| :file_folder: **STEP**/Reference | 🔹 | STEP file exports of reference CAD models used to support design of the printed model |
| :file_folder: **STL** | :heavy_check_mark: | STL file exports of every printable object, including a blank STL version with no branding or texturing |
| :page_facing_up: **README.md** | :heavy_check_mark: | documentation in the file of this template in Markdown format at the root of the package. [Click here for the required template](https://gitlab.deterrencedispensed.com/deterrence-dispensed/information-and-tutorials/-/wikis/For-Developers/Resources/Release-Package-Requirements/README.md-Sample) |
| :page_with_curl: **LICENSE.txt** | 🔹* | A license for the products, files, and documentation in your release package (that belong to you/your organization). |
| :notebook: **Assembly Guide PDF** | :heavy_check_mark:* | Documentation in the file of this template in Markdown format at the root of the package. |
| Directory/File | Required for beta? | Required for release? | Description |
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| :file_folder: **Documentation** | 🔹 | 🔹* | Supplementary documentation for particularly involved assemblies |
| :file_folder: **Native** | :no_entry: | 🔹 | Native editor binaries |
| :file_folder: **Renders** | 🔹 | :heavy_check_mark: | 3D renders or real-world images of the product |
| :file_folder: **Remixes** | n/a | 🔹 | A collected of user-submitted remixes. _Only applicable if your initial release is to include user submissions._ |
| :file_folder: **STEP** | :no_entry: | :heavy_check_mark: | STEP file exports of the assemblies (whole product) or assembly variants |
| :file_folder: **STEP**/Reference | 🔹 | 🔹 | STEP file exports of reference CAD models used to support design of the printed model |
| :file_folder: **STL** | Yes | :heavy_check_mark: | STL file exports of every printable object, including a blank STL version with no branding or texturing |
| :page_facing_up: **README.md** | Yes | :heavy_check_mark: | documentation in the file of this template in Markdown format at the root of the package. [Click here for the required template](https://gitlab.deterrencedispensed.com/deterrence-dispensed/information-and-tutorials/-/wikis/For-Developers/Resources/Release-Package-Requirements/README.md-Sample) |
| :page_with_curl: **LICENSE.txt** | :no_entry: | 🔹* | A license for the products, files, and documentation in your release package (that belong to you/your organization). |
| :notebook: **Assembly Guide PDF** | 🔹 | :heavy_check_mark:* | Documentation in the file of this template in Markdown format at the root of the package. |
> **:no_entry:** indicates an item NOT to include.
> **🔹** indicates an **optional** item.
... | ... | |